this is the post where i express my disappointment in some of my favorite celebs (estelle) for missing the mark completely...for them, here is my web address (frankiebaby3000@yahoo.com). I can help, and the first event is on the house.
1st, lets discuss Estelle: WHY WHY WHY??? i love her so but who dresses her and in particular who dressed her this evening?? and will someone PLEASE style her hair. she has the shape of a good haircut but its so poorly executed *sigh* and i love her sooo much.
2nd, Ne-ho's fiance: don't know the chick but she looked so hood with neon yellow/green "highlights," then she ever so politely attacked my eyes with a capri onesie delicately covered with a chunky RAVE belt (WTDTA)
3rd, Lil Mama: she rarely hits it on the mark with me but this shit right hurr, THIS SHIT RIGHT HURR...UH UH. she is another chick that needs a stylist STAT. her and ne-ho's fiance both committed the same fashion felony with inappropriate "highlight" pieces and chunky RAVE belts.
i never understood how these artist (or wives of said artists), who have a little bit of cash, can somtimes look so cheap and not put together. there really shouldn't be an excuse when attending events such as award shows.
what is so hilarious about the "fiance" and lil mama is that all the red carpet photos i've seen of them, theyre posing like their 'fits are so ON but IMO theyre quite off, drastically off.
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